Temperature Datalogger – HI141

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Temperature Datalogger – HI141 mewakili cara yang paling ekonomis dan aman dari pemantauan suhu terus menerus dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Model ini bertempat di sebuah kasar, casing ABS tahan air yang menutup terhadap masuknya debu dan air. Seri HI141 menawarkan pilihan satu atau dua saluran, sensor suhu internal atau eksternal, dan LCD opsional.


Features Temperature Datalogger – HI141 :

Waterproof – The case of the HI141 dataloggers is waterproof rated IP67. A convenient hanging hook is also located at the top of the housing on all models that end in “H”.

°C/°F Ranges – Through the PC application software, all HI141 models can be programmed to read in Celsius or Fahrenheit.

One or Two Channels – HI141 dataloggers offer the option of one or two measurement channels. Users can opt for one internal channel, one external channel, one internal and one external channel, or two external channels.

Internal/External Sensors – HI141 models that allow for an external temperature sensor feature one or two stainless steel probes on a 1 m (3.3’) cable for direct insertion.

LCD Display – The optional LCD is divided into 3 areas: the top displays the status of the datalogger; the middle displays the temperature reading, units, and active channel; the bottom displays useful information regarding alarms, battery, sample number, and indicating icons.

Data Logging – The HI141 can store up to 16,000 measurements at selectable intervals from 1 second to 24 hours. Users can also program a delayed logging start time up to 199 hours.

Magnetic Start Key – Once all the settings are programmed using the PC software (for 32-bit systems), a convenient and portable magnetic start key can be used to initiate when data logging begins. This helps users to quickly begin logging, preventing the need to access and start via the computer software.

PC Connectivity – Logged data can be transferred to a PC by simply placing the instrument on the HI141001 infrared cradle (not included). The infrared cradle eliminates the need to put a connector on the meter – an undesirable dirt-trap in the food market and source of problems due to wear and tear over time. Using the cradle and software, users need just one PC interface to handle all HI141 dataloggers, each identi–fied by a unique ID code. A security password is also able to be set to ensure collected data is tamper-proof.

Programmable Alarms – High and low alarm thresholds can be programmed to alert users if the temperature readings go outside of the acceptable range. The PC software (for 32-bit systems) can also indicate the length of time that temperatures remained unacceptable.

Status Indicator Lights – There are 4 LED lights located on the face of all HI141 dataloggers. The bottom top LEDs are used for communication with the infrared transmitter, while the logging status is indicated by the 2 top LEDs that are green and red.

Enhanced Battery Life – The HI141 series uses AA batteries to achieve a long battery life of about 4 years at 25°C.

Battery Error Prevention System (BEPS) – The Battery Error Prevention System will shut the meter off when the battery power is too low for an accurate measurement.

Model*DisplayMolded EyeSensor(s)Cable Length (if applicable)Range
HI141AH1 internal-40.0 to 80.0°C /

-40.0 to 176.0°F

HI141BH1 external1 m (3.3’)-40.0 to 125.0°C /

-40.0 to 257.0°F

HI141CH1 internal-20.0 to 70.0°C /

-40.0 to 158.0°F

HI141DH1 external1 m (3.3’)-40.0 to 125.0°C /

-40.0 to 257.0°F

HI141EH1 internal

1 external

1 m (3.3’)-40.0 to 80.0°C /

-40.0 to 175.0°F
-40.0 to 125.0°C /

-40.0 to 257.0°F

HI141FH2 external1 m (3.3’)-40.0 to 125.0°C /

-40.0 to 257.0°F

HI141GH1 internal

1 external

1 m (3.3’)-20.0 to 70.0°C /

-40.0 to 158.0°F
-40.0 to 125.0°C /

-40.0 to 257.0°F

HI141JH2 external1 m (3.3’)-40.0 to 125.0°C /

-40.0 to 257.0°F

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